
Trade Off & Network Delay

aiden.jo 2023. 6. 12. 21:43

Trade Off

We can understand Trade Off as a process of balancing different factors.
Somtimes we may have to sacrifice somthing in order to gain others.
Let's explore three examples of the Trade off in software development.


1. Performance & Resource 

Higher performance, Higher Resources and Prices.

2. Security & Conveinence
Higher Security, Lower Coveinence

3. Accuracy & Time

Higher Accuracy, more time.


Network Delay(=Latency)

In the Network Delay, there are four concepts. Transmission, Propagation, Queuing, Processing Delay.


1. Transmission Delay(전송지연): the tims fot a single packet to travel end to end
2. Propagation Delay(전파지연) : the tims fot a bit packet to travel end to end

2. Queuing Delay(= Buffering Delay) : time for staying at Queue.

4. Processing Delay(처리지연) : time for processing on a receiver.



Key factors related to network latency in browser

  1. Network Bandwitdh : higher bandwidth, higher performance and throughput
  2. Network Latency
  3. DNS Server Latency
  4. TLS/SSL : authentication and encryption/decryption
  5. Resource Size 